Friday 9 August 2013

When its done(I promise)

When its done,
I wont turn on the light,
Satisfied or not
I promise I will stay by your side.
Thinking, hoping, wishing,
That you would look at me,
Bite at my arm with complaining eyes,
Nibble at my stomach,
Silently saying, "I want more, I want more. "
When its done (I promise)
I will take your arm and
Pet your hand,
Telling you stories of the nine,
And their plans.
Thinking, hoping, wishing,
That you 'd laugh and hold back my hand.
When its done (I promise)
It will be easy, like the rising of sun
Or its setting,
Like the simple flowing of events,
Harmless and mundane,
We will go our separate ways.
And I would sit,
Thinking, hoping, wishing,
That you would remember me,
Think of me, I wont be lost,
In this ugly shuffle of events.
When its done (I promise)
Whatever it would be,
Seven seas or seven miles,
It wont be the end.


  1. And when its done(i promise)
    i shall stay with you
    and make you smile,
    love you because
    thats what i'm meant to do :)

  2. Sonakshi: But its over and you aren`t *meant* to do anything, you can only *promise*.
