Friday 9 August 2013

The sad demise of Dr Mohit Ansari

The term necrophilia is mostly used as a psychiatric expression for a pathological sexual attraction to corpses. It is a very rare and poorly understood phenomenon. In his seminal 1894 work, Psychopathia Sexualis, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, one of the first psychiatric writers, called it a horrible manifestation of sadism.
Nights were never lonely for Dr Mohit Ansari even though he was about to step into the 62nd unscrupulous year of his life.
For 30 odd years he had worked at the hospital night shift. Slowly rising in the hierarchy of the institution, been promoted several times , Dr Mohit Ansari never, for some reason left the night shift. People came and went like passing days and seasons, some stayed longer than others but no one ever outstayed Dr Ansari, who stood like a rock or a tree in the hospital. Everynight, one after the other, each week, each month, each year for the past three decades Dr Ansari served the institution singlemindedly and with dedication.
Tonight is a special night in Dr Ansari's life. Its tonight that he would turn 62 and enter the last year of his service to the institute. Its a night about which the night staff has been speculating for days. Will Dr Ansari do anything apart from his normAl routine on his birthday or Will he come five minutes before his shift , like always? Will he take a leave or will he spend the his time looking at patients ? Will he( well not throw a party) but organize a little ceremony or Will he spend his time walking around the corridors ? These were a few questions in everyone's mind.
Figuratively, the term "necrophilia" describes an inordinate desire to control another person, usually in the context of a romantic or interpersonal relationship; the accusation is that the person is so interpersonally controlling as to be better-suited to relationships with nonresponsive people.
In fact, Dr Ansari himself was feeling a bit out of ordinary about the oncoming night. He had lived once with his wife but now she was gone. "You don't deserve a human, you deserve a servant, someone who doesn't talk back, has no needs ,desires an unresponsive corpse!" she had screamed at him once before leaving.
It was something which Dr Ansari has always remembered since and has tried to do the same.
Nights are never lonely for Dr Mohit Ansari, since after a year of his separation with his wife the dead of the mortuary became his friends, the dead in the dead of night never let him think of anyone else. There was everyone there, Suzy, Sam, Samantha. Anyone who could possibly please Dr Ansari in anyway. There always was a Suzy about whose tits Dr Ansari could joke, if not that then there was always Sam to chide and rebuke for something or the other and last but not the least Samanthas, young and inviting , though Dr Ansari resisted the temptation till now. But tonight, the night of his 62nd birthday be decided to succumb to the temptation.
Nights were usually empty and silent at around the mortuary area in New Rockland Hospital, Ladusarai. If they were disturbed it was by the incoming of a new arrival, One of the Suzys, Sams, Samanthas. But that night, the night of Dr Mohit Ansari's 62nd birthday, something else horribly broke the silence in New Rockland Hospital mortuary area. It was the screams of Dr Ansari who was later found dead in a copulating position with one of the newly arrived female corpse against one of the walls of the mortuary while the corpse's hands somehow circled around Dr Ansari in a lock.
It was later found that the act of intercourse had somehow inflated dead Samantha 's body due to which her hands got entangled behind the doctor in an unopenable lock. The night staff heard the screams and had come running to the mortuary only to find the doctor dead of a stroke.

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