On Gender

Is being a woman just limited to the missing muscles between the legs, procreation and choosing a certain kind of toilet over the other? or is it something which involves the traits or attributes of a woman? and are these traits totally absent in a man or vice verse? and what about this whole cross section of apparently gender confused gays, lesbians, sissies, tomboys, panzees, transvestites, eunuchs, effeminate men, masculine woman? has not everybody been treated like shit, put down, used and abused by anyone who is stronger/more powerful? who are the feminists trying to save? the humans without the extra bundle of muscles or the humans who have been treated like shit, put down, used and abused by anyone who is stronger/more powerful? and who are the sexists attacking? Do I get no help if I am hurting, because of something that hides in my pants?

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